Oral Cancer Screening in Herndon

Screen For Oral Cancers

Advanced Cancer Screening Technology

At GoSmiles Dentistry, we use the VELscope oral cancer assessment system to effectively monitor for signs of oral cancer. This advanced oral cancer screening system uses a special light to detect abnormal tissue in the mouth, throat, and tongue. The system emits a blue light that causes the tissue in the mouth to fluoresce, making it easier to identify potential areas of concern.

Oral Cancer Screening Overview

The key to successful treatment for any cancer of the mouth is early detection. For patients at a higher risk for oral cancer, we may recommend oral cancer screening with the VELscope detection system.

We We Do

VELscope is a valuable tool for higher risk patients who…

use tobacco or alcohol

have a history of oral cancer in their family

have previously had abnormal oral tissue

How Oral Cancer Screening in Herndon Works

The VELScope oral cancer screening is a non-invasive, painless procedure that takes just a few minutes to complete. During the screening, the dentist will examine your mouth and throat with the VELScope device, looking for any areas that appear abnormal under the blue light.

What to Expect

The VELScope oral cancer screening is typically recommended for patients who are at higher risk for oral cancer, such as those who use tobacco or alcohol, have a history of oral cancer in their family, or have previously had abnormal oral tissue. However, it can be a useful screening tool for anyone who wants to be proactive about their oral health.

The Best Dentists in Herndon

Early Detection

Oral cancer screenings can detect signs of cancer before symptoms develop, which can lead to earlier treatment and a better chance of successful outcomes.


VELscope scans are a quick and easy way to monitor your oral health and identify potential issues.

Peace of Mind

Oral cancer screenings can provide peace of mind for patients who are concerned about their oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions

dentist talking to a patient about restorative dentistry in Herndon, VA.

Thorough, Effective Oral Cancer Screening

Get peace of mind from the friendly, expert dentists at GoSmiles Dentistry.